
Cool people. Hi there, My name is Isabella Gregory and I am 28 years old.Originally I am from England however currently I live in Italy. My profession is a teacher but presently I'm working in a supermarket and i'm hoping to


Cool people. Hi there, My name is Isabella Gregory and I am 28 years old.Originally I am from England however currently I live in Italy. My profession is a teacher but presently I'm working in a supermarket and i'm hoping to find something more adventurous in the near future. My hobbies are sports like hiking but I also spend time with my friends, read or attempting to learn new languages.

Available to hire

Cool people. Hi there,

My name is Isabella Gregory and I am 28 years old.Originally I am from England however currently I live in Italy. My profession is a teacher but presently I’m working in a supermarket and i’m hoping to find something more adventurous in the near future. My hobbies are sports like hiking but I also spend time with my friends, read or attempting to learn new languages.

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